Today, though, I made the short trek to ClimbNashville since the weather was supposed to be rainy. A friend and I were there for ~3hrs with very little rest. Together, we probably did 20 or more routes.
I had fun! The gym is probably good for me, because it requires different climbing than what I'm used to. Most routes are vertical or slightly overhanging. That is NOT my forte. I don't have great grip strength, power, or endurance right now. Regardless, I felt pretty good today. We started with some warm ups on 7,8,9. The 5.9 was a sweet, long arete that was overhanging in the upper half. The holds were super good, making it a fun and secure climb.
Next, I bit off more than I could chew with some 5.10s. The two I chose were both really strange. The first was almost entirely slopers (not my favorite!). The second required a good bit of awkward stemming on mediocre holds.
We moved over to another section for some more 5.10s. The few that I got on there felt really good, full of big holds for the steep sections. Unfortunately, I was already pumped, so I needed to rest on every climb.
The last two climbs I did were fun and unique. They were much more technical, with small holds and balancing moves. The first was less than vertical. I think I do pretty well on slabby stuff, so I felt good. The second was about vertical with really small holds. I was able to utilize some side-pull and toe-hook action on that one, which was fun!
Next Saturday, I am headed to Foster Falls for a Vandy ORC trip. I have a couple climbs that I want to lead. Then I have a couple open weekends during which I plan on taking climbing trips to Chattanooga for some trad. TRAD IS RAD!
Today's session was good for my confidence. While I didn't prove myself to be any stronger or better than I thought, climbing so much today was awesome! I'm excited for the rest of this semester's climbing!