Sunday, September 14, 2008


Disappointing week. In an effort to increase mileage and coordinate with my schedule, I did 8, 4.5, 7 mi on T, W, R, respectively. I liked how it flowed. However, Wednesday, I suddenly got a sore knee - real sore, right behind the knee cap. Crap. I finished the 4.5 miles and rested. All night and Thursday, though, I could feel it. Hoping it would go away, I ran the 7 on Thursday anyway with some friends. I was wrong. About halfway or less into the run, the pain was sometimes strong enough to make me grimace, but I pushed on. After that, I iced it and took ibuprofen. Friday I iced it, took IB, but the discomfort persisted throughout the day especially on stairs. I think it could be the infamous "runners knee," but I can't be sure. Both Friday and Saturday and did a lot of rock climbing and it didn't bother me at all - strange. This morning I went out to the trails early hoping to get in atleast 12. About a 1/4mi in, the tightness and pain were back, so I called it quits and went home, not wanting to aggravate or intensify the problem. Man! I need to get my mileage going, and this is at a bad time. I'll try to see the sports med on Tuesday and continue icing, IB, and rest. Maybe I'll give a bike ride a try.

In other news, I swung by Team Nashville and picked up a new pair of shoes from Terry. He joked with me about my upcoming Monkey Marathon saying, "Gee, I sure hope its not your first," to which I responded, "It actually is. Thanks for the blessing." He helped me out and suggested some Mizuno Inspire. I'll take a couple weeks breaking them in while I get the most out of my current pair of Asics. Soon I hope to pick up a foam roller. I used one the other day and it's pretty good.

Hopefully things get better and I can get back to normal running.


Old Man said...

wow. the monkey as your first.

Gary said...

yep. I'll consider that wow both encouragement and compliment(atleast for the audacity of the attempt at making the HHFMM my 1st). You can congratulate me on Nov 24th(the day after the race).