Thursday, November 20, 2008


T minus three days until the Monkey.  This is the culmination of the last six months worth of running and planning.  I've come a long way since May when I started this whole marathon thing.  I've seen my fast runs go from 8:00/mi to under 7.  My distance has increased from a first week long run of 6mi and weekly distance of 15mi to a monstrous 22.4 mi long run and near 40mi for weekly total.  I've had a couple weeks of injury scare, one disasterous twenty mile attempt, and learned a ton.  I've gone through running shoes, locations, running buddies, diet regulations, stretching routines, and a ton of web browsing.  It really has been a great 6 months.  I am super stoked for the marathon.  I have put in the work, and feel comfortable and confident.  Today was my last run pre-race.  It was a little faster than planned, but I do have a couple more days to rest.  Now I just rest up, make sure my mind is in a good state come race day and wish for good feelings and weather.  Packet pickup is Friday.  I plan on watching the VU v. UT came on tv, so I don't have to stand.  The prerace meal will be hosted by a fellow student and first time marathoner and monkey.  Her mom is going to cook us up some good food.  I'll try to get a good night of sleep, though I am sure I will be anxious.  Fairly early wakeup on Sunday to eat some oatmeal, juice and what not before heading over to the start.  I am excited!  Then I will fly home to Tampa Monday morning to relax, pig out, and celebrate both Thanksgiving and my birthday (on the same day).  I will be sure to post as soon as I collect my thoughts and feel like it - probably Monday/Tuesday.  Cheers!

Some totals from the last 6 months:
- 577 total miles
- over 90 hours
- one 18 miler, one 22 miler
- most of this done on a 4 runs/wk schedule

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