Saturday, August 30, 2008

Knocking them out

I'm just chuggin along. This week was kind of an off week. I was going to try a new run or two, so my traditional T, W, R schedule didn't work. I ran short Tuesday, and shorter-than-usual tempo run Wed because I was going to run longer on Thursday. Well, that didn't work out so I went out for a trail run with a friend at Percy Warner. It was good, but he sprained his ankle after about 2mi. :( So we hobbled him back a ways before moving him to the main road nearby where I could pick him up in the car once I ran back on the trail. Really unfortunate for him.

It's okay though, for everything worked out for the long run. Fortunately, I have a friend who is running the Flying Monkey with me in November, and she and I make really good training partners. We had another great run at Percy Warner - the 11.2 + Warner Woods trail + some for about 14.5mi.

Also, this week I have struggling with some (probably) IT band trouble. It has been recurring for a couple months and seems to be linked more with higher intensity runs. Fortunately, it didn't bother me today during the long run. I will continue to stretch and strengthen and take care of it.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Stats

313.5 miles
2 days, 3 hrs

Good start, good summer. Many more ahead.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome to Cashville

I'm back at Vandy, moved in to my spacious double dorm room, and celebrated by running the wonderful 11.2 mi loop in Percy Warner Park. The famous loop is known for it's undulating terrain and beautiful wooded scenery, AND makes up most of the Flying Monkey Marathon in November. This run felt great. I ran with a friend who is doing the FMM with me. We cruised at a faster than expected pace, chatted, enjoyed the scenery and peace and quiet. I just soaked it in. I have ridden the loop many times with the VU cycling club and have always admired the park, but running it is even better. Next step is to cover the network of hiking trails!

We finished up the run with 5 more miles on Belle Meade Blvd, which is a stretch of street through a very nice neighborhood. Both sides of the road are littered with cyclists and runners - it's very motivating.

Overall, a great run. I just have to work out my recovery routine now that I'm at school. Since I was late for church, my refueling consisted of 2 Ensures for the following 2 hours before lunch (McDougals Chicken - delicious but terribly greasy). And since I'm in the dorm, I don't have access to a tub or ice = no ice bath. :( I'll have to figure that one out. Well, classes start tomorrow, so posting may be sporadic.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I finally got my weekend long run in Sunday night. I couldn't sleep Friday and Saturday, so when the alarm went off each morning before 6, I chose snooze. On this run I tested out some new stuff: running with my iPod and running with a hydration pack. The iPod was okay; I kind of like the silence. Same with the pack. It was an improvised pack - a small climbing pack with a bladder. It bounced around some but felt alright.

I did 8mi out & back one way on the parkway trail and then 6 out and back the other way for a total of 14. I kept a good consistent conservative pace. I'm realizing that pavement is far inferior to trails. My feet and legs just ached while running. Even after the 14, I felt decent overall but the pounding had really gotten to me. After running 11 or 13 miles on trail I don't get that. Hopefully putting in long miles on the road will condition my legs for the pounding and I will acclimate.

This is my last long run in FL before the marathon in November. I'm headed back to Vandy this Friday which will hopefully soon yield cooler temps, friends & running buddies, and hills. I would like to run the Percy Warner Park 11.2 mi loop for the first time this weekend. It is the main portion of the marathon.

Oh yeah, Saturday was also spent lounging on a gulf island with a friend. We cruised around awhile on his boat, found a nice little island and just relaxed and took in some sun (too much sun in my case). Awesome close to the summer. That's what living in FL is all about.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Surprise, I CAN Go (kind of) Fast

Last week's midweek run with the youngsters from the high school XC team made me realize that I can push myself and run a fairly fast pace (i.e. 7:00/mi-ish). That revelation inspired me to incorporate some tempo runs into my schedule, especially since I need a 4:45 marathon time (on my very hilly course) to qualify for Mountain Mist 50k. Today I had a 6-7 mile run scheduled with about 5 of that at about LT. During my warm up I spotted the XC team heading down the roadside trail, meaning I had a target. They were heading out a couple miles to do some hill repeats. It felt good to catch and pass right by them. At about the 1/2 way point of my tempo run, I decided to wait for the XC guys and go ahead and join them for a hill workout (I need it for the monkey!).

Hill Workout
The hill was not very formidable (that's west central FL for you) but it was sand and got the heart rate up. We did four sets (over and back - about 0.5 mi) at around 6:00 pace. This was all at about 4:30pm on a very humid day. Throw in a couple sets of push-ups in between sets and it was a really good tough workout. There is something about hard workouts that I enjoy. In the heat of it when spits slingin out of my mouth and sporadic grunts give me extra power (grunting = atleast 15% power increase - try it :D), I just get into that groove and push. It's rewarding - reminds me of my football days.

The fellas ran back with me a ways for a cool down before their coach picked them up. Then I did the rest of the 3.5mi run home solo - a not-so-cool down. A good strong day overall. Three-four mile regular aerobic run tomorrow and then a planned 16miler Saturday.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Sound of Sizzling Fajitas

You know that sound of the meat and onions and all just sizzling on that cast iron plate they serve you for fajitas. I was the meat and onions today, my sweat dripping off like hot oil onto the pavement. By the end my legs felt like grated cheese floppin around too.

Change of Plans
I went out to Withlacoochee State Forest today to run the 14.8mi loop. It was pretty early - 7:30am - when I arrived. After only 5mins, I stopped, turned around and drove home and decided to run on the pavement trail next to home. I finally got enough spider webs. Within those first few minutes, I hit at least 3 webs IN THE FACE. Think, 15mi, 2.5hrs+, that's over 100 webs!!

It was the hardest run I've done to date. About 15.5 miles, 2.5hrs, in both high heat and humidity. It was mid 80s at 8am. The occasional tree canopy or breeze was divine blessing. My heart rate was 10bpm higher than normal, I assume due to the heat. I dragged on and on with my soaking wet shirt and finally got home. My legs were really feeling it. I dipped in the pool and drank an Ensure shake, then took an ice bath and drank another Ensure, then showered and stretched, then ate a hearty helping of Pizza Huts new "The Natural" healthier whole grain pizza - very good. The run made me glad that I still have a couple months until The Monkey.

Still 3 1/2 months to the marathon and I am going to focus solely on that. That's right, I decided against running the Stump Jump 50k trail race in Chattanooga in October. I am still running the 11mi option. Reason persuaded me. I figure I have much more to lose than gain by ramping up early for SJ. I'd rather play it safe, stick to plan, and try my best at the Monkey. If I can't qualify for Mtn. Mist with my Monkey time, then so be it. After all, I've only been running consistantly for 3 months and am enjoying - Nothin' wrong with that!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Decisions Decisions

Back in FL, in the heat, on the flats. I ran with the high school XC team this morning. I never ran XC in high school. I was mainly a football player with 2 yrs of track, and a year of both baseball and basketball. I like the coach though and its nice to finally run with someone else. Anyway, it was a good run. I went 5 miles at or below an 8:00 pace, and did a mile more on the track at about 9:00. It was tough, no doubt. I have run low 8's on 3mi runs but never any farther, so it is a big boost for me. I have been worried about my speed lately.

See, my running goals have been to run the Flying Monkey Marathon in Nashville on Nov. 23rd and then run the Mountain Mist 50k in Huntsville on Jan. 24th. In route to the marathon I was planning on running the 11mi option for the Stump Jump in Chattanooga on Oct. 4th. I was comfortable with that plan. It has come to my attention lately, however, that there will be a registration requirement for Mist: a 4:45 marathon or previous ultra finish. I'm confident I can run 4:45 but the Monkey is very hilly! Out of the 200 registrants, most of which are experienced runners, a 5hr finish is pretty average. Now I am worried that I may not be able to register for Mist either because I don't make the 4:45 or it is too late even if I do.

I've considered some options:
1) skip the Mist and run the Mt. Cheaha 50k in Feb: good plan but disappointing considering all the good running I got on Monte Sano in July.
2) skip the Stump Jump 11mi and run the Greenway Marathon in Nashville Oct. 4: flat course, very doable, but takes the fun out of making the Monkey my first.
3) run a flat marathon course between Monkey and Mist, possibly Huntsville's Rocket City: again, may be too late and too much.
4) run the full Stump Jump 50k: sounds awesome but adds a lot more stress on me this fall. I can prepare for the SJ 50k, as long as I stay healthy. It will give me a solid 18wk block of training (I mean running w/ a race goal). However, it will give me 7wks to recover and prepare for Monkey.

I'm still contemplating what to do. I will probably decide after this weekend's 15miler on trails. I definitely have to consider my fall schedule. I'll have 15 tough credit hours - all science/engineering. Doh! My engineer type personality wants everything to be planned out and run perfectly. I just don't want to screw up my body or race goals. Basically, I go into this head first with high goals and want it all. We'll see . . .

In the meantime, I am considering doing a bit of speed work and/or treating these last 3 weeks of summer as a training camp. I just don't want to burn out. I'm pretty good at listening to the body though.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Big Finale

I'm leaving Huntsville for home (central FL) tomorrow, so I wanted to get a good run today. I was slated to do 15mi and I thought I'd do them on the road, maybe part of the Rocket City Marathon course. I decided to do trails instead because of some fortunate run-ins with people. Thursday night I ran into a Huntsville trail legend at a Jason's deli - coincidentally right before seeing "Ultramarathon Man". Then Friday I ran into another stud and race director of the Mountain Mist (which I plan to run). All that good fortune of running into people inspired me to do one last run at Monte Sano. I set my sights on the first half of the Mountain Mist course. After cutting out one section and forgetting another, I finished strong with about 12/13 mi on technical trail. My trail pace is still slower than I'd like, but I'm really happy with how I'm progressing. Being here in Huntsville has been a blessing for me in many ways, and having the opportunity to get involved with trail running and its community was one of those. Now it's back home to FL where I will continue my running, spend time with family and get ready for school.

Trail Report
Mountain Mist(2.5mi): run this one before; nice trail; not too bad; some rocks
-Warpath Ridge(~1.5mi): going south is better since it's got some incline; a lot of rock; alittle overgrown in summer
-Powerline Trail(~1.0mi): it was nice to get out of the trees and into the open sun and air for a little bit; came with a cost - the trail was BRUTALLY overgrown with briars and waste high grass, leaving me slow tired and cut up midrun; don't run this in summer
-Flat Rock Connector: this short section of trail is all uphill, rooty, and rocky
-Goat(2.6mi): for the 2nd time, the goat was nice; while technical, it's curvy and undulating nature makes time go by nicely
Stone Cuts: good hike; rocky; goes uphill through some tunnels and cuts in stone (go figure); interesting and cool but not the nicest running area in my opinion
-Sinks(1.2 mi): nice, somewhat hilly; I was running harder and focused on finishing at this point so refer to past review

Equipment Review
SmartWool Adrenaline Ultralight sock: this sock feels really nice. Compared to the tight stretchy hug of the synthetic socks, merino wool is nice. I can't fully rate these socks yet because I haven't used them in many circumstances, but for the hot summer trail run on dry ground they worked pretty well. Given this was a long hot run, but the socks were pretty wet when finished. My feet felt a little more soggy than with synthetics but no blisters or anything.

In other news, I am now officially registered for my first marathon, The Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey Marathon!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Blog Privilege & Ultramarathon Man

It has been really nice to have the liberty and free time to blog as much as I have over the last 2 months. I'm going to miss this when I start back at Vandy.

Anyway, after Wednesday's weaksauce run, I wanted to just run free on Thursday. I could have just taken the day off but I want the miles. I didn't have a route, just wanted to run roughly 4miles/40mins. About 50mins later I made it back to my friend's house, having run almost the entire run in the rain, and having to get directions back from a man at a dog park. Once again, I praise God for the cleansing of a good rain.

Finally, I saw Ultramarathon Man with Dean Karnazes last night. I was impressed. 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days - pretty awesome. The emotion and passion shared between him and the other runners - inspiring. Running for the sake of enjoyment - beautiful.