Saturday, January 17, 2009

I've Had Better Weeks

This week started okay but ended very poorly.  I was feeling pretty pumped after last week's big effort.  I took Monday off to rest from the big weekend and got in a nice run with a friend Tuesday morning.  Wednesday turned out to be real busy, but I got in a few miles late that afternoon with another good friend.  Thursday was completely open but crazy cold (like 18) so I stayed inside, did homework, and pulled a double shift on the Vandy climbing wall.  Friday - nothing.  Saturday I met some experienced runners and friends to get in one more long run before Mist.  I am not as concerned (maybe naively/unwisely) about taper with this race as I was with the marathon.  Plus, these late big runs give me confidence which will most likely turn out to be more value than rest when I am struggling along on the course at mile 25.  It was a cold, overcast, and windy afternoon.  The route was kind of a hodge podge collection and connection of the Warner Parks and left more to be desired.  That's all okay though.  What got me was the terrible iritation and rubbing I am getting on my feet.  The inside of both big toes and ball of the foot are blistering from my shoes.  I plan on getting some insoles and really lubing up for the big day.  Maybe the insoles are a risk, but if I don't do something, I will end up with nasty feet after about 15miles.  So as you can see, it was a lackluster week of running.  Actually, ever since the marathon my running has been inconsistent.  It has been pretty enjoyable though, especially the trail days.

Most of the reason for not running much at the end of the week is that I am battling sickness.  I am pretty congested, have a runny nose, and have not slept well.  Just now I am starting to feel better.  Hopefully it gets through me before the race.

Sickness not only makes me weaker physically but also emotionally.  I was already mopey this week, but some really bad news came Thursday.  Backstory - my parents own quite a few miniature horses to breed and show (but mostly to pet and enjoy).  We also have some other animals, including 4 dogs - a black lab, a weimaraner, her pup which is probably 1/2 pitbull, and a mini schnauzer.  Well, Thursday my dad got a call on the cell while he was working that the 3 large dogs were attacking one of the minis.  The neighbor's son broke it up fortunately but not before substantial damage was done to the horse.  The vet was called and the horse cared for.  The vet recommended that all 3 dogs be put down lest they attack again.  My parents agreed.  Gandalf, the black lab, was really old and had problems walking.  He was very sweet and spent much of his time indoors now.  Dana, the weimaraner, was probably the most gentle and affectionate dog I know.  The insisted on always being near you and had adorable long ears.  Bernie Mac was her son.  He was black with a white chest, had her long ears but a more square face.  He was a handful, loved to dig out, and always required monitoring.  Dana and Bernie spent most hours in the garage to control his insatiable urge to get out and fight with the neighbor dogs.  By fight I mean he would run along the fence and bark while they attempted to rip his face open.  On more than one occasion he had to have medical treatment after they bit him - he was a lover, not a fighter.  Bernie was my dog.  My mom and I rescued him and Dana from a home when I was in high school.  She was tied to a lawnmower in a dirt yard with food strewn on the ground.  I insisted on taking him along with his mama when we got there.  He was adorable.  Gandalf was also an adoptee, from a teacher at the school.  Of course, we cannot be certain of exactly what happened.  It perplexes me because they were so sweet to us and had never caused trouble with the horses before.  It was very sad and affected all of my family members.  My older sister delivered the news Thursday morning to me via phone.

Finally, the week was unsuccessful in regards to dating.  I finally got the nerve to ask out a good friend of mine of whom I am especially fond.  Unfortunately, though, things did not work out.  That's all I will say.  

All in all, I've had better weeks.  Hopefully next week will be one of those.

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