Sunday, June 29, 2008

1.5 hrs of running, 3 hrs of dancing

Friday morning I ran into the double digits for the first time in my life. I had a great ten miles. I wasn't overly tired or stressed and the weather was cool during the early morning (6:30 start). I kept my heart rate fairly low (low 70%s) and still kept a fine pace for me right now (9:35). Overall, I felt prepared for it.

I chose to run the entire way on pavement which wasn't too bad - nice and smooth. Though when I finished, my knees were aching. For the first time I took an ice bath which felt good while enjoying a nice glass of milk. Then I ate a large serving of beef stroganoff before my family and I headed up to Ocala to set up for my sister's wedding the following day.

The wedding was great! She looked BEAUTIFUL, the weather was nice (though hot), the garden setting was wonderful. I had the honor of being a groomsman, so I was able to be very involved. While the wedding was a blast, I also got some good recovery. The groom and groomsman went tubing the morning of down a cool spring fed river. And of course, all the dancing got the blood flowing to the legs. :) In all seriousness, my legs are more sore from dancing than running. That twist always seems to tweak my knee.

It was a wonderful and beautiful weekend. My love and congratulations goes out to Stephanie and Brian!

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