Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movin on Up

Just finished my first real distance run - 9mi. Yeah, I know, 9mi isn't really that long, but you have to walk before you run, so to speak. I felt good throughout and it really didn't feel that long. But when I stopped I started feeling it in the legs and knees, so I jumped in the pool, took a shower alternating hot/cold and stretched. Next week - the BIG 10 mark. I just have to fit it in around my sisters wedding. Does dancing count as active recovery?

Since I've started running, it's been neat seeing how my heart rate varies. One major factor is temperature. Living in FL, there's a big difference in temp and exertion between running at 7am in 75 degrees and at 2pm in 95 degree heat. I haven't looked at the effect of running surface, but I try to run off the pavement whenever possible to help my joints. Cruising on the asphalt is so nice and smooth and fast, though.

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