Saturday, August 30, 2008

Knocking them out

I'm just chuggin along. This week was kind of an off week. I was going to try a new run or two, so my traditional T, W, R schedule didn't work. I ran short Tuesday, and shorter-than-usual tempo run Wed because I was going to run longer on Thursday. Well, that didn't work out so I went out for a trail run with a friend at Percy Warner. It was good, but he sprained his ankle after about 2mi. :( So we hobbled him back a ways before moving him to the main road nearby where I could pick him up in the car once I ran back on the trail. Really unfortunate for him.

It's okay though, for everything worked out for the long run. Fortunately, I have a friend who is running the Flying Monkey with me in November, and she and I make really good training partners. We had another great run at Percy Warner - the 11.2 + Warner Woods trail + some for about 14.5mi.

Also, this week I have struggling with some (probably) IT band trouble. It has been recurring for a couple months and seems to be linked more with higher intensity runs. Fortunately, it didn't bother me today during the long run. I will continue to stretch and strengthen and take care of it.

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