Monday, August 18, 2008

I finally got my weekend long run in Sunday night. I couldn't sleep Friday and Saturday, so when the alarm went off each morning before 6, I chose snooze. On this run I tested out some new stuff: running with my iPod and running with a hydration pack. The iPod was okay; I kind of like the silence. Same with the pack. It was an improvised pack - a small climbing pack with a bladder. It bounced around some but felt alright.

I did 8mi out & back one way on the parkway trail and then 6 out and back the other way for a total of 14. I kept a good consistent conservative pace. I'm realizing that pavement is far inferior to trails. My feet and legs just ached while running. Even after the 14, I felt decent overall but the pounding had really gotten to me. After running 11 or 13 miles on trail I don't get that. Hopefully putting in long miles on the road will condition my legs for the pounding and I will acclimate.

This is my last long run in FL before the marathon in November. I'm headed back to Vandy this Friday which will hopefully soon yield cooler temps, friends & running buddies, and hills. I would like to run the Percy Warner Park 11.2 mi loop for the first time this weekend. It is the main portion of the marathon.

Oh yeah, Saturday was also spent lounging on a gulf island with a friend. We cruised around awhile on his boat, found a nice little island and just relaxed and took in some sun (too much sun in my case). Awesome close to the summer. That's what living in FL is all about.

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